
Established in Japan in 1949 by baseball-obsessed Mitsugu Tanabe, Jackman has a long history of supplying clothing to Japanese sports teams. The brand began when Tanabe quit his job and set up the Tanabe Meriyasu factory in Fukuki with only three knitting machines. Originally, the brand produced stockings for the fledgling Japanese baseball scene of the early 50s but soon went on to manufacture full uniforms and mitts. The brand’s reputation for quality quickly grew and the Tanabe Meriyasu factory expanded, leading to Jackman producing the training wear for the 1964 Japanese Olympic Team. Today the Jackman brand is an evolution of Tanabe’s original vision, producing vintage-inspired sports and knitwear to the highest standards of quality. The pieces are made in the same factory using the same vintage knitting machines by highly skilled artisans who have worked in the garment industry for decades. The manufacturing process may be slower than that of modern brands, but the quality, comfort and attention to detail of a Jackman piece is hard to match.

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